The Nerdy Games Return! Michaela, me and a girl named Andra used to play this game we called The Nerdy Games and now it's coming back! This spring! On the blog I will document each day's Nerdy Games on the blog, so keep coming back to see what I've written! 

    Anywho, here are the details about the Nerdy Games!

Age when we started: 18
Age when it comes back in the spring: 22
Power: Water and Ice
Baby: Amy
Husband: Sammy


Age when we started: 14
Age when it comes back in the spring: 18
Power: Fire and Lava
Boyfriend: Harry


Age when we started: 10
Age when it comes back in the spring: 14
Power: Earth
Boyfriend: Matt


And yeah! Check back each day in the spring for Nerdy Game News! Peace out my lovelies!!!


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