I just sent a letter to Heather Vogel Frederick! I accidently sent the E-Mail before I could copy+paste it here, but when Heather replies, I can post what I said and what she replied. Yay!

    Okay, so every weekend is always full of fun! Today, my cousins Anjuli and Serena, are coming over. We always stay up late and watch movies and stuff. The only problem is, that the movies are always Princess movies and the games are usually Barbies. Whatever. I don't mind. I'm still a kid, and last time, we even did dress up and danced to One Direction music! Haha, good times! Being a kid is cool! 

    So, I haven't gotten any replies on what I should build on Minecraft. Any suggestions? Just see my post from yesterday and fill out the form, telling me what you think I should build, and I will build it and put a picture on my blog of the thing I built! Also, check out my brother's website www.adamsminecraft.weebly.com because it has awesome Minecraft pictures and info! 

    Until tomorrow My Friends! Peace, love and Minecraft Chickens (u

    Okay, so I've been reading this new book called Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes and I love it! It's by Lisa Greenwald. I've read two of her other books (Reel Life Starring Us and My Life in Pink & Green) and I think she's an awesome writer!  

The reason I'm mentioning this book is because I can totally relate to the characters. The book is about these three girls who are best friends (like Michaela, SDawg as she likes to be referred to, and me) that are in an awkward position. I think I'm most like Kate (I hate to admit it, but I'm a little bossy sometimes) and I think Michaela is like Georgia and Summer is Olivia. 

    What's this book about? Well this is what Lisa Greenwald had to say!:

When a blizzard threatens to ruin
Valentine’s   Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their   lonely neighbors—and confront the secrets they’ve been keeping from one   another.

Confident Kate doesn’t notice much but the   latest gossip, and shy Georgia can’t say out loud what’s always on her mind.   They’re joined by observant,careful Olivia, whose epic, single-minded crush on   PBJ (real name: Phillip Becker-Jacobs) is starting to frustrate the other two.   Using fortune cookies that mysteriously always seem to speak directly to the   person who opens them, the three girls try to work together to bring some love   to their building, while reminding each other why they’re such good friends to   begin with.

If you'd like to order   a copy of SWEET TREATS & SECRET CRUSHES: buy this book from an independent bookstore near you or                   purchase from amazon.com or  barnesandnoble.com.

Pretty interesting. Here's the cover of the book that I have:
And this is a picture of her other cover:
    I still have to ask my parents, but I want to E-Mail Lisa and ask her a few questions. I might even post what I said and what she replied.  She is, after all, my favorite author, along with Heather Vogel Fredrick. This is her blog: http://www.lisagreenwald.com/ If you want to know more about Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes, click here: http://www.lisagreenwald.com/sweettreats.html 

    I hope you end up liking Lisa Greenwald's books as much as I do!!! 

    And now I want to give you some news on my favorite game, Minecraft! I am currently building a huge city on Creative, and I am in a village on Survival. To play Minecraft, click here: www.minecraft.net I love Minecraft and I want you to see all the cool things that people have made, so go to Google Images and search Minecraft Mansions. If you want me to post pictures of my Minecraft creations, just send me an E-Mail and tell me what to create!

    Minecraft: What should I make???

    Until next time My Friends! And don't forget to click the links!!! Off to play Minecraft!!! Byee!!!

    Hello My Friends! Me here (duh). I think I might be nocturnal which is really weird and well...I don't even know why I brought that up. Why do I say that? Well whenever I go to bed, I stare at the ceiling and think about things. I think about new story ideas, new blog posts (actually, most of this post was thought up last night!), books I want to read, a recap of my day, I think about what I'm reading and I also think of the next day. Does that ever happen to you? Is that odd? Am I odd? I don't know the answer to the first question (that's why you have to comment and tell me!!!), but I do know the answers to the other two: Yes and Yes. And you will find yourself agreeing with me! Why am I blabbing about nothing??? 

    Well anyways, on the weekend I found my old diary. I was reading and I found insane things that I can't believe I said (or wrote). I guess when you're younger, you're more insane. Have you, My Friends (or rather just Tharani because she really is basically our only reader which is pretty pathetic but so true :P) ever read an old diary?

    So first off, let me just say, the Grammys were FANTASTIC! I think everyone who won deserved to win a Grammy. Congratulations to Fun. They rocked! They won like two or three Grammys! 

    I do have one complaint though: how Taylor Swift dissed Harry Styles!!! If you didn't see it yourself, well here's how it went. Taylor Swift was doing that part in We Are Never Getting Back Together where she starts talking. So she says "So he calls me up and he's like" and then she says in a British accent "I still love you" meaning to imitate Harry Styles and then she says "I'm sorry, but I'm to busy opening up the Grammys!" and I'm sitting there like "Are you kidding me?". Well maybe I'm just exaggerating and well, ya know maybe she didn't diss Harry Styles. Anyway, I'm a fan of Taylor Swift and whatever she did...well we'll never know for sure if she was intentional of hurting Harry's feelings. 

    So everyone knows how I love to write and read, right? Or should I say, write? Sorry, I'm corny. Back on track. So anyways, I know there are a lot of readers that want to become writers or even just take up writing as a hobby. But the problem for you is maybe inspiration doesn't come easy? Well I was thinking of starting a CONTESTS page. Look for it on the left side of the site!

    I'd also like to give a shout out to:      


She's our most awesome reader, basically our only one so far :) I'd like to post what she said in an E-Mail to us. Tharani, if you'd like me to take down the E-Mail, just E-Mail me again. Well here's what she wrote:

Hey Mya and Michaela,
I am pretty sure I all ready told you guys that I luv the blog and think it
is sooooooooooo cute!
Can you guys please add more photos? I am more of a visual person and love
pics especially of you guys!
Please update me on any thing new on the blog. I just don't know what else
to say really there are no words to describe it!
only word to describe it is this:  

got 2 go now!
a good long weekend!

Keep up the good work!
Keep me posted!
- Tharani (The AWESOME person) 

    Yes Tharani you are awesome! And yes, we will try to add more pictures to the site! Thanks and if you are another one fo our awesome readers feel free to E-Mail us!!! Using the Contact Box on the Home page!

    That's all for now My Friends! Oh and if you guys could think up a better nickname, I'll totally use it! Don't forget to send us your requests!!! Well, until next time My Friends!!!

So Valentine's Day was yesterday. What, I can't wish you guys a good Valentine's Day the day after? Fine, we'll call it a Belated Valentine's Day. For Valentine's Day, I got a whole bunch of books and candy. I also got a really nice top and two pairs of jeggings. But what I really loved was this beautiful journal I got. It has a cool design on the front and it has these two locks on the side that open and close. It's really pretty: 

The number one word I would use to describe it: dungeon. The cover looks like a locked gate and the locks on the side keeps your thoughts and secrets  locked away from the rest of the world. That's what I'll call it. My dungeon of thoughts. I love it. But what should I write in it? My Friends would you mind helping me out? Write out a comment and tell me what you think I should write in my dungeon of thoughts.

So anyways, remember how I mentioned snow in HAZOURDOUS? Well that snow is starting to melt. And just imagine where that slushy water is going. Down the drain.

Our world is going to come to an end one day. All our natural resources will be gone and humans will be forced somewhere else. I don't know where we'll go but we'll have to go somewhere. My sister Alia told me that one day, humankind will no longer be able to live on earth and that we'll have to go up to another planet. Alia says that we'll build a world there and it will be a long stretch of world. We won't be able to breathe on this planet, because earth is the only place where we can breathe. THis is serious. If we dpn't stop wasting our resources, then one day...I dunno. There's not much a little kid like me can do. Alone that is. So remember, when you leave a room, turn off the lights. Wear a sweater instead of turning up the heat in the winter. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. Don't waste paper. Carpool. There is so much we can do for our environment. Every little thing counts. So do your part, and our world will be saved.

I'm way off topic here. So let's just go back to the present,  shall we? I heard that a lot of people were killed in Russia because of a meteoroid from space. Hundreds were killed. I'm glad it didn't happen in North America, because I'm only 9! I don't wanna live a short life!!!

This post has covered a whole bunch of things. But I think that may be a good thing. Now you know what's happening in our world!!! Until next time My Friends!

The snow out there is crazy! Michaela and I both stayed home from school today. We couldn't get there because the busses were canceled. Even our friend SDawg, who lives close to Simcoe and drives to school every day, didn't go. So we all spent the day E-Mailing each other! Michaela and I IMed practically all day. From 12:00pm and we're still talking now. Michaela just ate a really spicy hot dog and I just ate some really fresh ceaser salad with croutons and bacon and real parmesan and really fresh lettuce! Yum! So...I'll write more tomorrow but bye for now my friends!

~Styles :)
So I've been thinking. Nobody really reads all that 'Song of the Day' and trash. They want to know about your life, what happens in the day of you! Unless your a boring person. But my life? Pretty exciting!!! So read on!!!

7:15: Wake up in the morning!!!

8:00: On the bus!

8:30: Arrive at school!

8:45: School starts!

8:45-3:15: I have the best time ever! (Talking to Michaela and SDawg!)

4:15: IM Michaela

And the rest of the night is normal. All that's boring though! But on weekends I have the best time of my life!!! So I'll mostly be posting on weekends, therefore not making you bored by reading it, and not making me bored by having to write it! Haha! So from now on, I'm going to sign my blog like this: ~Styles. Most of you know why, but if you don't it will remain a mystery! And I also want to give you readers a nickname. How about we keep it simple? My Friends? Ok, My Friends it is!

Chaio My Friends!

Oh my god! I just watched The Odd Life of Timothy Greene. It was sooooooo sad!!!!!! Oh god, you know this weekend I also watched The Impossible which left me bawling. It makes me cry just thinking about it!!!
:*( Ok, I don't want to cry so let's go to our daily stuff:

Song of the day:

My little sister's favorite song and liked by many other people, Red is really catchy...but not as catchy as:
In fact I'm listening to it right now! My inner ninja!

Book of the day:

Amazing book and show!

 4 stars!

So since I have a lot of homework and projects lately, I'm only gonna be doing those two things, but don't worry, for quotes you can see Michaela's blog, and hopefully soon I will be bringing back everything. So anyways, you lost some in this blog, but you also earned some. From now on, each post I'll be doing something I like to call Diary Madness. I will write a diary entry in each post for you guys to read, so you can keep up with me and my life (oh and Michaela and SDawg (as she prefers to be known)) and everything. So...here:

Okay I swear it's a blizzard out there. Here are a few pictures I just took, of what it looks like outside my window:
I can't even see the road anymore. And I hope it stays this way. The tire to my mom's car is half way covered with snow. All I wanna do is curl up with Home for the Holidays and read and read. I want to eat a warm dinner and snuggle up in a blanket. I love snow. Do you? Comment below! Here are a few reasons why I am in love with winter:

Reason 1:

Christmas! I love getting presents and spending time with family! And with my grandmother's Christmas Eve feast, you really look forward to the holidays in my house!

reason 2:

Snowmen! I love making snowmen, because it takes a team effort to make it work, and I think winter and the holidays are all about working together and giving and teamwork and positive stuff like that.

reason 3:

Books! Some of the best books are set in the winter time! Here are a few

reason 4:

New Year's Eve! I love staying up late, even though I do it almost every weekend night. Counting in the new year is always a good time, especially because it's the only night I'm allowed to drink pop!

reason 6:

Putting up the Christmas tree! I love hanging ornaments from the branches, remembering when we had got them and who they belong to.

reason 7:

Snow days! I don't like going to school very much, so snow days are the best!

reason 8:

Inspiration! For a fellow writer, winter brings great inspiration! Watching the flurries outside the window, you get so many great story ideas!

reason 9:

Hot chocolate! I love drinking it! And drinking it in the summer would just be weird!

reason 10:

Curling up with a book and just chilling! I love doing that!

Hope you've enjoyed this post! I worked hard on it! What are your top 10 things to do in winter? Comment below!

Emoticon: ⛄




Oh, great it's snowing. I don't mind full-out snowstorms (ya know, ya get to stay home!) but little flurries can sometimes get in the way. I'm currently reading The Mother-Daughter Book Club Book 5 Home for the Holidays and it's really good. I don't remember any snowstorms, but I do know when I was in kindergarten we had a snow day. But anyways, each daily post, I will be doing a few things. So here are the things I'm going to be doing:

1) Song of the Day
2) Quote of the Day
3) Book of the Day
4) Daily to do list

I might add stuff later on, but here's what I've got so far.

song of the day:

Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. Justin Bieber loved this song and said that he felt the same way when he met Selena Gomez, his GF. If you want to see the music video, click the first link. If you want to see the lyrics, click the second link.



quote of the day:

Never give up, keep trying until you get it. You might not know it at first, but soon you will. Keep trying and never give up on what you believe in!

book of the day:

I read this book 4 times. The last three times, I couldn't get through the last two chapters. It was a really sad book, but I loved it and I think you will too. I cried at the end, but laughed in the first part of the book. John Grogan creates a mixture of laughs and cries and as you flip each page of the book, Marley will make you laugh 'till you get hiccups.


daily to do list: (how to participate!)

First let me tell you what this is about, and how you can participate in it! So, each day, I will make a list of some things that I think are appropriate for that day's weather and what not. If you complete all the challenges, you get a shout-out in the next post. Just comment below and tell me all the things you did and then I'll look them over! So here is today's list.

daily to do list:

1) Read a chapter of a novel

2) Play a board game

3) Go outside in the snow

4) Watch a movie

Hope you can participate :) 

So that is basically how this blog is gonna work. Hope you enjoyed it :) Oh and you can ask me questions in the comments and I'll answer in the next post! Bye, my lovely friend 

Emoticon of the Day: 🍨
Ice Cream!